Solar collector bulb 5m³
Solar collector bulb 5m³ is one of the most ecological ways to heat your swimming pool. By using solar energy you can heat the pool without large consumers.
Among the major consumers you have electric heating, gas heating, etc. These ways of heating your bath have a strong impact on our ecology. With a solar collector you can contribute to reducing our ecological footprint. You will also be able to save a lot of energy costs with this bulb or bulbs. The only minus is that they depend on the weather conditions. Now there are few people who still want to use their swimming pool in bad weather. As a result, the minus disappears again.
Is a solar collector bulb easy to install?
This collector is plug & play and therefore very easy to install. The sphere contains hose pillars to which you can connect your flexible pipes of 32mm or 38mm.
It is best to place them after filtration. If you have several bulbs, simply place them in series. Do you have an automation or a chlorine dispenser? The addition of chemicals must always be placed after other devices. So right before the injectors.
TIP: Use our black flexibles to get to and from your collector. This way you maximize the efficiency and none of the heat is lost on the way.
How many solar collectors do I need?
With 1 bulb you can easily heat between 5 m³ and 7 m³ of water. We know from experience that we tend to over-dimension heating appliances. This way you can comfortably enjoy the device.
So the rule of thumb for these bulbs is 1 bulb per 5m³. If you have a swimming pool of 15,000 liters, you will need about 3 bulbs. You can simply place them in series after filtration.
Do you still want to be able to swim comfortably in bad weather? Then it is best to use an extra heating device. For example, a heat pump which is also energy friendly.
Tip: tilt the sphere at an angle to the sun for the best result.
ATTENTION : The solar heating with solar collectors is only suitable for swimming pools that are covered with a summer sail.
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