Category Archives: Technologie

Advice, tips and FAQs about pool technology.

We have summarized all advice, tips and facts about pool technology here. Here you can find information about new trends. Here you will also find advice on the best approach. You can also go here for information about technological developments in and around the swimming pool.

10 interesting facts about rechargeable outdoor LED table lamps

Reading time : 6 minutes 20 seconds We have summarized 10 interesting facts about...

How do I choose the best infrared patio heater.

Choosing the best infrared patio heating is not always easy if you don't feel so at home...

Can swimming pool chlorine against corona virus be used for surface disinfection?

This morning we received the question from a pharmacy whether our swimming pool contains chlorine against corona...


The latest pool cleaners of 2020

Discover the latest, coolest, best and most innovative pool cleaners of 2020. Since 2005 we sold...


Which pool pump should you install?

Through this FAQ we help you with the choice of the swimming pool pump. Which pool pump do you...

New pool meter from Ondilo de ICO

The “smart” new swimming pool meter At the swimming pool fair in Lyon last year (Piscine Global),...

The latest pool robot gadgets

  Discover the latest pool robot gadgets. The days of the old Dolphin Diagnostic (3 colors...

Swimming pool filtration time control

An intelligent filtration time control ensures hygienic pool water quality, clarity and...