Zodiac Nature 2 alternative

Zodiac nature 2 alternative

Find out what's best Zodiac Nature 2 alternative is. We have listed the various options to make the choice as easy as possible for you and to enable you to easily switch to the most ideal swimming pool water treatment.

Nature 2 alternative no. 1 : MTF chlorine tablets

The simplest, cheapest and fastest way to switch is to fill the reservoir for the chlorine tablets with chlorine tablets MTF 5 in 1.

Fill the right compartment with MTF tabs. You simply leave the reservoir in which the Nature 2 cartridge fits.

Nature 2 alternativeThese 5 in 1 tablets contain:

  • Chlorine
  • Anti Alg
  • pH buffer
  • Flocculant
  • Clarifier


Alternative to the Nature 2 cartridge no. 2 : an automatic swimming pool dosing system

After several years of using the Zodiac mineral water treatment system, you will have noticed that it does not work fully automatically and is sometimes difficult to adjust. After all, you have very little control over the acidity of your swimming pool water and the chlorine concentration cannot be accurately adjusted.

Water treatment installation scheme

With an automatic dosing system for your swimming pool you will continuously monitor the pH (acidity) and measure the RX (chlorine) value. This measurement will control your acid pump and your chlorine pump and ensure that your swimming pool water is optimally disinfected.

These are the options:

An automatic pool water treatment provides ultimate control over the water quality of your pool water

Alternative 3 : Oxilife hydrolysis

Years ago you most likely opted for the Zodiac mineral water treatment system to keep the water in your swimming pool clear and pure with less chlorine. The alternative that best matches the treatment with reduced chlorine is the Oxilife.

READING TIP : Make green swimming pool water clear

The oxilife works on the basis of HYDROLYSIS and SALT ELECTROLYSIS.

  • With hydrolysis you disinfect the water in the swimming pool by splitting the water H2O --> 2 x H + O
  • With the salt electrolysis you still make a minimal amount of free chlorine, but without the disadvantages.


Installation schedule:

Oxilife hydrolysis installation

Why are Zodiac's Nature 2 cartridges no longer available?

Due to stricter European biocide legislation, the sale of Nature 2 cartridges is no longer allowed since the end of 2018. The remaining stock was sold in 2019, but it is now completely sold out. The Nature 2 cylinders are therefore no longer available.

Is there a completely chlorine-free alternative?

It is the best chlorine-free alternative available in our opinion DAISY+ system from Dryden Aqua. This pool water treatment is a combination of:

  • Good dymensionation and circulation of the pool water
  • A coagulation & flocculation of the dissolved dirt particles
  • Superfine filtration with a semi-high bed filter + AFM filter glass
  • Water treatment based on hydrolysis


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2 thoughts on “Zodiac Nature 2 alternatief

    • Lode T Kindt says:

      Dear Patrick,

      the Zodiac Nature 2 is no longer available. If it gives a problem you can leave the empty cartridge, this will have no effect once it has finished responding.

      Kind regards, Lode

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